Work Responsibilities! Blue Cross

Note: – No organization can make everyone officers and commanders, most can only be members and they must work their way up through the organization. However, it must not be the case that a person appointed as a commander or deputy but shows no immediate commitment or ability should stay in that position whilst there are more efficient people that are just classed as members.

FBC Organisational Structure at District Level:

  1. CBCC – Divisional Command Corps
  2. FBCO – NGO’s Member
  3. DCBC – Diplomatic Corps
  4. UBC – Deanery Chapters, District Campus or District Centres
  5. ChBC – Diocese Churches / Diocese Congregations
  6. CBCM – District Conference
  7. CmsnBC – District Commission

Role of Divisional Command Personnel:

N.B. District Chapter are given official status when there are 10 NGO Divisional Commands and one ordinary (non NGO!) Divisional Command in the structure.

  1. Divisional Commander-in-Charge ( DCiC )
  2. Deputy Commander-in-Charge ( DC-2iC)
  3. Divisional Member-in-Charge ( DMiC )
  4. Deputy Member-in-Charge ( DM-2iC )

N.B. Divisional Commanders must be able to head one of the CBCC (Command of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent) initiatives and organise related activity for Divisional members.!

Types of Commander: –

  1. Medical Crops: – Saving life: – If they are medically / health qualified then they can be appointed DCiC or Deputy for the Medical Corps.
  2. First Responder Corps: – If they are para medically qualified or first responder trained then they can be appointed DCiC or Deputy for the First Responder Corps.
  3. SAR Responders: Rescue qualified: – If they are Search and Rescue qualified then they can be appointed DCiC or Deputy for the SAR Responders.
  4. Lifeguard Corps:  If they are Lifesaving Lifeguard qualified then they can be appointed DCiC or Deputy for the Lifeguard Corps. Etc.
  5. Crowd Control Corps: If they are event security trained or mass crowd control trained then they can be appointed DCiC or Deputy for the Crowd Control Corps.
  6. Life boat crops
  7. Front line Activists Crops

Criteria for appointing Our Departments personals

  1. If those senior people wanting to join us are founders and presidents of any type of organisation then they can become FBCO Ambassadors.
  2. If they are priest/maulana/bishop  they can be appointed to the ChBC.
  3. If they are academic such as professors they can be appointed to the UBC.
  4. If they want to head their own team on the ground then they are appointed to CBCC.
  5. If they are active online then they are ideal for helping us build the organisations structure and can be appointed to CBC, CBCM, CmsnBC ETC…
  6. Accountants, legal professionals, business administrators, expert on government legislation   should be appointed to the CmsnBC.
  7. If they are leaders like M.L.A/M.P/Gram Pradhan/Mukhiya etc. then they can be appointed as Diplomatic Crops.
  8. Committee: A department works for projects.
  9. Conference: A department looks the ground problems.