About Global Cooperative of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent (GCoOp)

The Global Cooperative of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent (GCoOp) is a non-governmental humanitarian cooperative agency, that is part of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, that forms unique cooperative alliances and brings together our member organisations or our ordinary members, to participate in, and benefit from, various thematic cooperative platforms. In keeping with the ‘Cooperative Principles’, membership of the Global Cooperative’s thematic platforms are open to either all ‘member organisations’, or all ‘ordinary members’. Although, participation in thematic organisation cooperative’s requires that each member organisation has the capacity to participate equally with other member organisations, likewise participation in thematic cooperative’s open to all ordinary members (humanitarian worker cooperatives) requires that each individual has the ability to commit and undertke a fair share.

As determined in the Charter of the Global Cooperative, and as mandated by the International Movement, the fundamental objective of the Global Cooperative is to work to help develop, implement and support a number of thematic cooperative platforms operated by either our member organisations for the benefit of our member organisations, or operated by our ordinary members for the benefit of our ordinary members, using the services of that thematic cooperative platform.

The Global Cooperative works in collaboration with our bilateral partner, the Federation of Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Organisations (FBCO), to guide and support the development of its National Cooperative’s, and to provide capacity building support, and it does this in cooperation with other bilateral partner component agencies, that form the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, to develop ‘humanitarian worker coopereratives’.

The Global Cooperative’s work respects the Cooperative Principles of (1) Open, Voluntary Membership, (2) Democratic Governance, (3) Member Economic Participation (4) Autonomy & Independence, (5) Education of members and public, (6) Cooperation between Cooperatives, (7) Concern for the Community. Additionally, GCoOp’s work respects the Movement’s fundamental principles, as defined by the Commission, and endorsed by the Conference, notably those of humanitarianism, volunteerism, moralism, transparency, impartiality, empowerment, sustainability, neutrality, benevolence and respect.