About Command of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent (CBCCorps)

The Command of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent (CBCCorps) is a non-governmental humanitarian agency that is part of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, and is the uniformed component that comprises the CBCC – Blue Cross Corps, CBCC – Blue Crescent Corps and the CBCC – Blue Crystal Corps. We act to ensure that our uniformed members in disaster vulnerable communities are resilient and have sufficient competence including practical life-saving skills and organisational expertise, which help them prepare for, respond to and recover from natural and man-made disasters and other emergency crisis.

Command personnel are involved in carrying out a wide range of humanitarian activities within its CBC-Corps Divisional Commands at District level within an FBC National Society, and in cooperation with other bilateral partner component agencies that form the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement.

The Command is mandated by the Movement to develop and coordinate initiatives such as First Responder Corps, Lifeguard Corps, LifeBoat Corps, Medical Corps, SAR Emergency Responder Corps, Crowd Control Corps, Street Chaplain Corps, and Frontline Activists Corps.

The Command’s work respects the Movement’s fundamental principles, as defined by the Conference of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent Movement, notably those of humanitarianism, volunteerism, moralism, transparency, impartiality, empowerment, sustainability, neutrality, benevolence and respect.