About Committee of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent (CBC)

The Committee of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent (CBC) is a non-governmental humanitarian agency that is part of the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement, and works on behalf of vulnerable and oppressed people, worldwide wherever justice, freedom, truth and dignity are denied to men, women and children. The work of CBC strives to limit suffering of victims of war, natural disasters, other humanitarian crisis, and of situations of violence. Our humanitarian workers provide activism, advocacy and lobbying, investigating and raising awareness to expose abuses of those affected by crime, armed violence, terrorism, and conflict, as well as taking action in response to disaster emergencies. We campaign to educate and mobilise the public and international community, and help transform societies to create a safer, more just world.
The Committee is mandated by the Movement to work to develop and implement movement-wide mission themed programs, and coordinates its programs and campaigns in cooperation with its bilateral partners, the FBC national societies and the Federation and other component agencies that form the Blue Cross and Blue Crescent movement. The CBC uses its unique position and mandate to operate in situations of humanitarian crisis, natural disasters, violence or conflict, and effectively access vulnerable populations.